
.1. This hat turns me right off (8)

.5. That sound level doesn't work with my key anymore (4)
Sound level = 70 decibels; "work with MYKEy anymore"

.6. Used to live in Florida (4)

.11. A folder full of peepers smoothed things over (9)
Binder + eyes = BINDERISE

.13. A pen ilk (anag.) (7)

.14. Look back with nostalgia when you get past the big 5-oh. (5)
Just past the big 5-oh = 51; + nostalgia = RETRO

.18. I'm going to make this difficult on purpose (7)

.19. I can't see where you lost perspective (9, 5)

.22. Stein (anag.) (5)

.23. We wouldn't talk about it - it's often pointless (6)

.24. What he invented is only going to fill her up (6)
Someone with innovative filling systems + inventor = That would be Brian at EDISON

.26. Supply with liquid food (4)

.29. Adam Sandler, all grown up (8)
Waterboy + time = WATERMAN

.33. Sounds like it is time in France (6)
C'est l'heure; sounds like SAILOR

.38. Tattooed and ready to go! (5) INKED

.39. Endless swearing on the day we liberated Rome (7, 6)
(for Federico): Swearing = Cursing. Endless makes that "Cursi"; liberation was on VE day, and Rome = CURSIVE ITALIC

.41 & 31 across. The peak is so big I can't see anything! (5,3)

.42. Meisters like their coffee fine (5)

.47. Addicts are an endless stain on the stock exchange (5)
Stock exchange = DOW; stain = dye, so endless stain = DY; Addict is DOWDY!

.48 & 45 across. Too much sauce on this carbonara (3, 6)

.49 & 23 down. Dorothy lives here (3, 3)

50. Carrying sodium in a canoe? 'K, but you'll lose it (6)
Sodium = Na; Canoe = Kayak - lose the K = NAKAYA

51. 5 across and 47 across cost us all money (8)
Myke and Brad - ENABLERS!


.2. He put my pens in a golf bag! (5)

.3. I promise Nock to make them for pencils (5)
Who needs pencil CASES?

.4. She found a blue bird on the garbage can (1, 6)
Bluebird = Jay: J-HER-BIN

.5. You came off a white horse (9)
Horse = Mount, "U" comes off = MONT, White = BLANC

.7. Hotter than average (5-4)

.8. Who went to the toilet on Philip? She did! (12)
Pissed on Phil? Her! = PISTONFILLER

.9. You might find one at 37 down (5)

.10. The sound of Myke's helicopter moustache was getting quieter (10)
The 'Tasch(enbegleiter) was fading away… ROTERFADEN

.12. Circles used to have eight sides in Germany (7)
The sadly missed 8-sided ROTRING 600

.14. Saw an orange house on the path here (6)
Path = Road; Road here sounds like the orange pads by RHODIA

.15. It's shorter if the letter goes unsent (8)
UNPOSTED pens are shorter!

.16. Can sell things quickly without a family (8)
Without = MINUS; KIN = family; took me 3 months to finally get one…

.19. I went with the Italian nobleman, not you (8)
Nobleman = Viscount; Minus the "U" and add an "I" = VISCONTI

.20. Harden oneself against a blue stare from Derek (5)
Harden oneself = (Blue) STEEL from Zoolander

.21. A Canadian ghost, perhaps? (6)
(Proud of this!) A ghoul, eh? GOULET

.25. This Italian aroma stinks inside (4)
Embedded in the clue: arOMA Stinks

.27. If you do look into it, do think well of my pot (7)
Embedded in the clue: thINK WELL

.28. There is a hole in the middle of DeBeer's mine (7)
Debeers' mine = Diamond mine; take out the middle (a hole) = DIAMINE

.30. Just add one to make it Japanese (4-1)
Add a "1" to the work "Make" = MAKI-E

.32. Panel etch (anag.) (3, 6)

.34. Customs are to plaster a thousand metals (6-1)
Plaster = render; 1000 = K; Custom metal points to Karas Kustoms: RENDER K

.35. Those looking for shelter would do well to look it up here (5-5)
Sorry Brad: embedded in the clue "Shelter wood" = Field Notes

.36. He has the nerve to ask me to press shirts (4-4)
Press shirts = IRON; Nerve = GALL

.37. Half a coin got stuck in the engine coming over from Japan (7)
Half a "penny" = Pen; Engine = Jet; from Japan = JETPENS

.39. Hold on, we're going at a fair old speed (4)
What holds the pen on? A fair old "CLIP"

.40. Streaming like the wolf? You've got it backwards (4)
Streaming = flow; "Wolf" backwards = FLOW

*.43. I wouldn't block Lebowski for less than a grand (5) *
"Wouldn't block" - Who makes wooden blocks?; Lebowski = Dude; Grand = K = DUDEK

*.44 down and 17 across. What's the point of a rich man? (4, 3) *
A rich man has a point made of gold: GOLD NIB

*.46. To be a wide boy, you'll have to change your bust (4) *
Anagram of "bust" that writes with a wide line" STUB